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Prosumer Indo Zoom Lens (Mark-4) Review


This lens is made from high quality dslr Prosumer lens. It is imported from Indonesia. 

-It is a zoom lens which can shoot distant objects.
- You can adjust the focusing ring to focus from very close to infinity by rotating the lens.
- You will get DSLR like blurry background.
- 5x to 6x zoom magnification
- Minimum distance of focus 30cm.
- Good for Small objects to portait shots.
- Highest quality output.
- No distortion or chromatic aberation.
- Beautiful body design. 
- Only problem is output of the lens is inverted 180 degree. So have to use open camera which has a feature of rotating the preview to 180 degree.


Ansuman Mahapatra Ansuman Mahapatra Author

1 comment:

  1. Very valuable information, it's not in all the blogs that we find here, congratulations, I was looking for something like this and found it here.
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Ansuman Mahapatra is a part time Mobile Lens Reviewer.

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