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3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison

3 in 1 Macro lens
Apexel 20x Macro lens
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison

3 in 1 lenses are cheapest lenses starting from Rs. 150/- in ebay.in. Whereas, Apexel 20x macro lens costs around Rs. 500/- in Aliexpress and around Rs. 1000/- in ebay.in. Do you need to invest such a huge amount on the Apexel lens. Let's find out who wins. 

3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Samples comparison:

The best way to compare both the lenses are based on their output. So below are few samples taken by 3-in-1 macro lens and Apexel 20x macro lens respectively.

3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison

From the above images you can surely get the differences. the 3-in-1 lens captures the spider as well as the whole leaf also other leafs also other background, like, blurry tree. However, the Apexel 20x macro lens only captures the spider with more detail as it can focus more close up of the spider and the photo includes a spider with half leaf. 

So which photo you like to have?

Obviously, we don't want leaves and other background objects like in 1st image. As our subject is the spider so we need to focus on spider only. Tha's what Apexel 20x macro lens does in the 2nd image.

Let's check out few more samples.

3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison

3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison
3 in 1 Macro lens Vs. Apexel 20x Macro lens Comparison

3-in-1 macro lens
Apexel 20x macro lens
  • I think the magnification is <=10x
  • It can take decent macro photos
  • It can take closeup shots at a distance of 2 cm.
  • It can cover more scene in a photo.
  • The borders of the photo are blurry due to lens distortion.
  • Depth of view is more.
  • Plastic build may break.
  • Magnification=20x
  • It can take super macro photos
  • it can capture from 0.5 cm.
  • It can focus on only a small part of the scene.
  • There is no blur at the borders of the lens and no distortion.
  • Depth of view is very very less.
  • Hard metal build, durable.

Hope this review will help you to decide which lens to go for according to your need and budget.
Keep rocking. 
Ansuman Mahapatra Ansuman Mahapatra Author

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Ansuman Mahapatra is a part time Mobile Lens Reviewer.

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